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Expert Integrative Coaching and Mentoring

My style of Integrative coaching and mentoring  significantly surpasses traditional health, and life coaching by going directly to the root cause of incoherence and disharmony within your life by integrating both coaching and Quantum Medicine.


The lack of harmony, health, vitality, joy, peace, strong interrelationships and effective communication begins with the conscious and unconscious belief systems held deep within the BodyMind of each one of us. 


Equally as crucial is heart/brain coherence.  When we cultivate heart/brain coherence in the individual, we enable the 'whole person' to move back into coherence and harmonize the body, mind, spirit, emotions and energies.


The result of creating coherence between the heart and the brain, which harmonizes the body, mind, spirit, emotions and energies, is immediate impact of the core blueprint of you.

When you can effectively manage your thoughts and emotions which ultimately create your identity, and over-archingly, your entire life, you step into your power of true healing, health and vitality. It all begins and ends with how you think and how you feel. 


Harmonizing your BodyMind and defragging that 'viral code' running in the background of your thoughts, feelings, belief systems and your overall life will:

  • Dramatically reduce physical symptoms of stress and 'dis-ease'

  • Improve overall health and wellness

  • Reduce stress

  • Increasing emotional regulation

  • Improve communication

  • Foster strong relationships

Enable you to connect with the divine blueprint of who and what you are, your truest, most authentic self.



My style of Integrative coaching and mentoring for leadership significantly surpasses traditional health, life and Executive coaching by going directly to the root cause of incoherence and disharmony within your life.


When we do not have heart/brain coherence and both conscious and sub-conscious awareness of ‘WHY’ the disharmony, dysfunction, stress, dis-ease and anxiety is running rampant in our life, we are significantly challenged to be happy, healthy and whole. It all begins and ends with how you think and how you feel. You are the creator of your own life.


By harmonizing our heart and brain and creating coherence in our BodyMind we also 'harmonize' our overall life experience.  





  • This platform is specifically for your bio-individual experience, protocols, tasks, goals and lifestyle journaling.

  • High touch, private and safe space for 1:1 coaching support with your Pallas via voice and text messaging during normal business hours

  • Your telehealth coaching platform works on web or via app on iOS or Android

  • HIPAA compliant platform

  • Client accountability and task management

  • Simple, sustainable, and incremental steps and action plans

  • Integrates with Fitbit

  • Documentation of weekly sessions

  • Email notifications/reminders of new tasks or follow-ups.

  • Assignment and tracking of individual and group goals and protocols

  • Task management supporting high level execution and success of sustainable goals and actions

  • Food and lifestyle journal

  • goal setting and task tracking

  • Protocol assignment and tracking

  • Coaching handouts

  • Document Sharing





  • Improve a heart driven life by reducing stress and improving clarity

  • Improve your sense of purpose by cultivating a strong inner-balance within yourself.

  • Enhance and improve your life experience, by unpacking, balancing and healing,  your conscious and unconscious, limiting beliefs and stress triggers.

  • Enhance and improve your relationship to yourself and to others, by improving your ability to communicate and emotional regulation.

  • Increase overall life performance and success.

  • Improve family communication and interrelationships.

  • Increase your connection, joy and satisfaction in life by cultivating a healthier and balanced mind and body.

  • Improve mental performance and clarity.

  • Balance ‘stuck’ belief systems and mental attitudes that are blocking you from achieving your life potentials and may be disrupting your ability to thrive in vitality.

  • Decrease disharmony and stress within your relationships by decreasing your own internal stress and disharmony within your body and mind.



You will be able to create the life you have always dreamed of by showing up as your authentic self, driven by empathy and understanding, connected relationships and healthy organizational dynamics which foundationally support all aspects of who you are both personally and professional, as they are one and the same!!


  • You will create profound balance in your life with small, sustainable changes, regulating your nervous system chronic stress and anxiety through mindfulness and meditation practices, and implementations, which naturally greatly reduce or eliminate chronic stress and anxiety.

  • You will have more fun, and overall success by implementing small sustainable actions, shifting belief systems, and anchoring into beneficial emotions while creating useful patterns.

  • You will anchor into deeply personal, conscious awareness of what is serving you and creating abundance, peace, and joy and what is stealing your precious time and energy, therefore creating stress, chaos, trauma, and overall life dysfunction.



  • Sense deeply into a future where you are the champion of your life, one where you are excited to wake up in the morning, ready to create, to learn, grow, innovate, lead and thrive!

  • Feel into a future where you are no longer stressed out, anxious, numb, angry, uncomfortable, disconnected, and emotionally distant.

  • Imagine, your ideal life, where you are so confident in who you are as an individual and fully charged with energy to lead your life into an incredible and bright future! 

  • Experience life at a future time, where you are no longer living to work and working to live, what would that feel like?

  • Feel, what it would be like to be living in your own body with healthy thought and emotions, waking up grateful to be alive.

  • Think of a future, where you are truly tapped into your creativity.

  • Sense, into a future where you are in love with your life, instead of falling farther and farther away from your core dreams.

  • Now, Dream of a conscious life full of heart connected, authentic friends, real conversations of value, TIME, just for you, a fulfilling career, excitement, and inspiration instead of foreboding feelings, stress and anxiety.

  • Now, Know, deep inside, that you CAN change your life.


The techniques shared through these modalities are designed to enhance the self-healing process and do not replace traditional medical or health care, medical diagnosis or medical treatment for illness. This practice promotes a cooperative model that bridges traditional and non-traditional healthcare. Refer to a licensed medical practitioner for medical care.

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